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Friday, July 14, 2006

More Diamond and Pearl information

The August CoroCoro has revealed the new Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl box art. Introduced are two new Pokemon, パルキア (Parukia) and ディアルガ (Diaruga).

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New Information from August CoroCoro:

  • The space-ruling Pokemon Parukia (空間をつかさどりしポケモン パルキア) in Pearl, and the time-ruling Pokemon Diaruga (時をつかさどりしポケモン ディアルガ) were both revealed and are on seperate boxes for the upcoming games Pokemon - Diamond & Pearl.

  • ディアルガ (Diaruga) will make its first apperance in ポケモンレンジャーと蒼海の王子 マナフィ (Pokémon Ranger to Umi no Ōji: Manaphy) which Premieres in theaters July 15th, 2006.

  • Diamond and Pearl will be release in Japan on September 28th, 2006 and will cost 4800 Yen.

  • The next Pokemon anime series, which apparently will feature the female protagonist from the games, was also announced. Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl (ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール) will start broadcasting this fall on the TV Tokyo network. It will most likely premieres on Thursday September 28th, 2006. It is unclear at the present if this will replace the current Pocket Monsters - Advanced Generation or if it will be a seperate series.

  • According to Pokeani, the girl on the Pocket Monsters - Pearl & Diamond anime poster is called Hikari.

  • Three more Pokemon were also revealed: ドラピオン(Dorapion), パチリムス(Pachirisu) and チェリム (Cherimu)

  • ドラピオン(Dorapion): is a Poison/Dark Type Pokemon. It's species is Monsterscorpion. It has either Battle Armor or a new ability called Snipe. Snipe increases the base value of an attack during critical hit. Dorapion can also learn Cross Poison (クロスポイズン), which has a high critical hit rate and can also induce Poisoning.

  • チェリム (Cherimu): is a Grass Type Pokemon. It's abilitiy is Flower Gift. Chierimu has an attack called Worry Seed (なやみのタネ), which gives the opponent Insomnia.

  • パチリス (Pachirisu): is a Electric type Pokemon and its species is Electricsquirrel. It knows the abilities Run Away and Pickup
  • タマンタ (Tamanta): is a Water/Flying Type Pokemon. It's Abilities are Swift Swim and Water Absorb.

  • ペラップ (Perap): is a Normal/Flying Type Pokemon. It's abilities are Keen Eye & a new Ability called Tottering Steps (ちどりあし), increases evasiveness when confused.

  • ルカリオ (Lucario): Lucario's second ability is called Indomitable Heart (ふくつのこころ), increases speed whenever Lucario flinches. Lucario's trademark move, Aura Blast (はどうだん) is a Fighting-type move.

  • ゴンベ (Gonbe): is able to learn Nature's Blessing (しぜんのめぐみ), which changes type and power depending on the berry it is carrying.

  • マニューラ (Manyula): learns Seize (さしおさえ), which stops the opponent from using items.

  • ブイゼル (Buoysel): learns Aqua Jet (アクアジェット), which is a Water-type attack with priority, similar to Swift.

  • Pokemon Pearl and Diamond will use Nintendo's online gaming service, Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. As with other games, you must get the Friend Code of your opponents before being able to connect. It appears that up to eight codes can be stored in the game. You can battle, trade Pokémon and use the microphone to talk over Wi-Fi in Diamond and Pearl. This functionality can be accessed via the Pokémon Wi-Fi Club, which is located in the previously revealed Pokémon Center basement. The DS Headset was also announced and comes out on September 24th for 1200 yen.

  • The villainous organisation in Shinou is named Team Galaxy (ギンガ団). Among other things, they try to entice Pokémon to do their bidding, invite the professor to do research for them and steal people's Pokémon.
  • The bottom touch screen on the DS has been confirmed for Menu use during battles.

  • In Battle, the bag is organised as followed: HP/PP Recovery, Pokéballs, Status Recovery, Battle Use


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